Step 1:
- The .htaccess doesn't provide a protection to anyone from downloading the backups.
- The .htaccess doesn't prevent search engines from entering this folder so:
- Open .htaccess which in your backup folder and enter this code:
Deny from all
<Files "*.gz">
Deny from all
Now you prevent the search engines from entering and indexing this folder and you prevent anyone to download these backups even you.
Step 2:
- When you take a backup it saved it in a unique format like this:
For example:
- So to prevent someone from guessing the prefix then downloading the backup follow me:
- Open:
- Find:
- Replace it with:
$name = $pref . '_' . $db . '_' . date("Y-m-d_H-i-s");
Now it's impossible for someone to guess the prefix.
Step 3:
- Create a password for the backup directory from your cPanel.
Now it's impossible for someone to steal your backup.